A play on life and its beauty. Every individual will go through a full set of “firsts” in their lives; first day of school, first relationship or even their first ever slice of pizza. These “firsts” are the very dots that would create a path in every person’s life. However…what if the “firsts” stop? What would life be then? What could it lead to?

Inspired by the true incident of a young man losing his life to another person who has stopped living, Green Leaf Theatre House humbly presents “FIRSTs and LAST” that would entail this very question.
by Green Leaf Theatre
Play Title: “Firsts and Last”
Date: 5th and 6th August 2017
Time: 7:30pm (doors open), 8:00pm to 9:30pm (show)
Venue: Blackbox Theatre KK
Ticket Prices: RM28 (Non-members), RM23 (Members)